Drag City Casting


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We specialize in the production of handcrafted 1/25th scale automotive resin parts. Generally pertaining to the 1960's era hot rods, customs, and drag cars

Quality Resin Cast Bodies, Hoods & More.. 

Current List 3/2/2025

Here is a list of what is still currently available. Feel free to send me a message to place an order.

Bodies $30.00 each

chopped '32 3 window coupe body (currently out of stock)

chopped '32 5 window coupe body (currently out of stock)

chopped '34 5 window coupe body chopped

'32 Tudor sedan body (currently out of stock) chopped

'32 Fordor sedan body (currently out of stock)

Hoods $6.00 each

'40 Ford Deluxe hood (original AMT)'49 Ford teardrop hood (currently out of stock)

'53 Studebaker teardrop hood

'56 Ford teardrop hood (about off-line!) (currently out of stock)

'57 Ford (AMT) teardrop hood (about off-line!) (currently out of stock)

'57 T-bird teardrop hood (about off-line!)

'57 Chevy custom hood with filled gun sights for AMT/Pro Shop kits (2 different hoods....both the same style) (about off-line!)

'60 Falcon/Ranchero teardrop hood (about off-line!) (currently out of stock)

'62 Bel Air teardrop hood'66 Mustang (Rev/Monogram) teardrop hood (currently out of stock)

'67-'68 Mustang teardrop hood (currently out of stock)

69 Chevelle (AMT) stinger hood (currently out of stock)

'70 Chevelle L88 hood (currently out of stock)

Misc items:

'32 Ford chopped uptop..$8.00 (currently out of stock)

'55-'57 Tri-five interior tonneau cover..$4.00 (currently out of stock)

Large parachute from Revell "Miss Deal"

Studebaker funnycar..$2.50/pair'32 Ford stock firewall..$3.00 (currently out of stock)

'57 T-bird hardtop.....$8.00 (currently out of stock)

'57 T-bird hardtop with portholes....$8.00 (currently out of stock)